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Causes and Symptoms of Varicose Veins

It seems like pesky varicose and spider veins pop out of nowhere, but they actually have many causes. When your veins weaken, they become varicose veins, bringing a slew of symptoms and complications with them. That is why our medical staff at El Paso Varicose Vein Clinic are dedicated to helping you treat your varicose veins. Here are the causes, symptoms, and important facts you should be aware of.

The Facts

You have two main vessels in your body that carry blood; arteries and veins. Arteries carry blood away from the heart and veins carry blood to your heart. This means the veins in your legs have to carry blood upstream and against gravity toward your heart, causing them to strain and weaken over time. The vein walls contract and expand to ensure the blood moves upwards and doesn’t flow in the opposite direction. Of course, without this, your body wouldn’t function properly, so it’s important--even with the risk of varicose veins--that your body continues to keep your blood flowing.

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The Symptoms

One of the most obvious symptoms is dark blue or purple veins appearing on your legs. Typically, these veins are bulging and you can noticeably see and touch them. Other symptoms include:

You may also experience other complications such as blood clots, ulcers, and excessive bleeding, which is why it’s important to talk to a doctor right away at the first sign of a symptom.

Treatments at El Paso Varicose Vein Laser Clinic

If you’re looking to receive treatment for your varicose veins, the doctors at El Paso Varicose Vein Clinic can help! Call us today for more information.

The Causes

Varicose veins aren’t a fluke occurrence. As we just mentioned, the strain of transporting blood back to your heart upward and against gravity can cause your veins to discolor and bulge over time. Other causes include:


Obesity causes varicose veins for many reasons, the first being undue pressure. Obesity causes your legs and the veins in your legs to work harder than normal, accelerating the threat of varicose veins and aggravating the symptoms. High blood pressure, which is often caused by obesity, can also make varicose veins worsen, especially since it can cause ulcers in your legs. Lastly, a lack of physical activity may also make you more prone to varicose veins.


Many women experience varicose veins during pregnancy because of excess blood. During pregnancy, your body produces higher volumes of blood, but sends less of it to your pelvis (to protect the baby), causing excess blood to pool in the veins in your legs.

Sitting or Standing for Long Periods of Time

Sitting and standing for long periods of time causes varicose veins because staying in one position for a long time decreases blood flow throughout your body.


Menopause puts you at a greater risk for varicose veins because your body reduces the levels of estrogen and progesterone in your body, both of which help keep your veins elastic and your blood flowing.

Family History

Sometimes, it’s literally in your genes. It can be uncontrollable, but your family’s health history may make you predisposed to varicose veins.

It’s also important to keep in mind that women are usually more affected by varicose veins than men. If you think you may be predisposed for varicose veins, talking to a doctor can help. Just because you experience any of the above causes doesn’t necessarily mean you’re guaranteed to get varicose veins, so it’s important to look out for symptoms as well.