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Understanding the Role of a Vascular Surgeon: What They Do and Why You Need One

A vascular surgeon performing a procedure on a patient’s leg that is marked with a marker in El Paso.

Has your primary care doctor referred you to a vascular surgeon? Are you unsure of what a vascular surgeon is or why you might need one? In this article, we will discuss what a vascular surgeon does and why you might’ve been referred to one. 

At El Paso Varicose Veins Laser Clinic, our vascular surgeon has over a decade of experience and offers the most effective treatment options. If your varicose veins are starting to concern you, a visit to our office is recommended. To schedule an appointment, call us at (915)-577-0121

Understanding Vascular Surgeon 

A vascular surgeon is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in your veins and arteries. Whether the issue comes up suddenly or has been showing for a while, a vascular surgeon can treat the potential problem. They manage arteries and veins in every part of your body except for your heart and brain. If you were referred to a vascular surgeon, most likely you’re experiencing one of the following: venous issues, arterial issues, or dialysis access. 

If you were referred due to dialysis access, it’s because you’re showing abnormal blood work indicating failing/failed kidneys. However, with venous or arterial problems, there is a broader range of issues that fall under those categories. Read below for the breakdown. 

Venous Issues

If you’re experiencing venous issues, a vascular surgeon will look for any of the following: 

  • Superficial phlebitis 
    • When a superficial vein becomes clotted or shuts down
  • Pelvic congestion syndrome in which there is increased pressure in the veins in the pelvis
  • Venous insufficiency with varicose veins, spider veins, or telangiectasias
  • Venous insufficiency with venous wounds or venous hypertension
  • Deep venous thrombosis 

Symptoms of these issues can include leg cramping at nighttime, achy legs, flaky/itchy skin, heaviness in your legs, ulcers, discolored skin, burning/tingling, or swelling in your lower leg/ankle area.

Arterial Issues

If you’re seeing a vascular surgeon due to arterial issues, some likely diagnoses are:

  • Aortic aneurysm
  • Chronic mesenteric ischemia
  • Stroke and carotid artery stenosis
  • Hypertension and renal artery stenosis
  • PAD (peripheral arterial disease) and claudication
    • Arterial disease has a much higher risk in patients who have pre-existing factors such as high cholesterol, diabetes, or heart disease.

Symptoms of these issues can consist of sudden weight loss, dizziness, ulcers, leg pain during movements, stomach pain, aching when at rest, or discoloration and texture changes in the skin. 

Severe symptoms for which you should immediately call 911 include rapid pulse, chest pain, loss of vision, slurred speech, gangrene, pale/blue skin, unexplained shortness of breath, sudden sharp pain in your chest, neck, shoulder, or arm, and fainting. 

Vascular Surgeon in El Paso

At El Paso Varicose Veins Laser Clinic, our vascular surgeon in El Paso treats underlying causes of issues such as varicose veins, spider veins, and venous reflux. If you’re seeking treatment for any of the problems mentioned in this article, call our office to schedule an appointment today at 915-577-0121!